The Board of Directors of the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) oversees and directs the management of the business and affairs of the association. The Board of Directors also ensures that ASTC’s commitment to diversity, accessibility, inclusion, and equity is embedded across the work of the Board, its committees, and—with ASTC’s staff leadership team—the operations and programs of the Association.

Standing Committees

Per ASTC’s bylaws, there are three standing committees of the Board of the Directors:

  • An Executive Committee, which has all of the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the business and affairs of the association
  • A Finance and Audit Committee, which reviews and recommends to the Board of Directors the annual budget, reviews financial statements and the status of the annual budget, monitors investments, consults with the President and CEO regarding financial management, and monitors the independence and performance of outside auditors on behalf of the Board of Directors
  • A Nominating Committee, which selects nominees to serve on the Board of Directors and as Officers ahead of each annual Board of Directors and Officers election

Role of Ad-Hoc Committees and Task Forces

In addition to these three standing committees, per ASTC’s bylaws, the Chair of the Board may also create ad-hoc committees and task forces to advise the board on specific strategic and operational topics.

Because the Board is focused on ensuring ASTC’s commitment to equity and diversity is integrated into all of our work, each committee and task force—both standing and ad hoc—is charged with advancing ASTC’s work to seek out and engage a diversity of ideas, perspectives, backgrounds, disciplines, knowledge systems, and approaches, and to, where possible, scale what works in equitable engagement in science and technology.

Service on ASTC’s ad-hoc committees is open to staff at all levels from ASTC’s Science Center and Museum Members and Allied Members. Individuals interested in ASTC committee service should consult the information about volunteering and complete the linked form.

Most committees require at least a one-year term of service with opportunities to continue serving over several years. All individuals expressing interest will be put forward for consideration to the ASTC staff and relevant committee chairs who will make nominations to fill vacancies to the ASTC Board Chair for approval.

Task forces—usually time limited with a focused scope and charge—are formed at the direction of the Board Chair, who works with ASTC staff to identify diverse task-force membership representative of the breadth of ASTC members and with experience relevant to the topic of the task force’s charge.

In the context of ASTC’s vision, purpose, and strategic direction, below are short purpose statements for each of the four ad-hoc committees of the Board.

Current Ad-Hoc Committees

Advocacy, Casemaking, and Engagement Committee

Aligned with the first pillar of ASTC’s strategy to champion public engagement with science, the Advocacy, Casemaking, and Engagement (ACE) Committee is an ad-hoc committee of the ASTC Board of Directors that provides input to ASTC’s advocacy and casemaking efforts, focusing on elevating the work of science and technology centers and museums and forging new collaborations across the broader science-engagement ecosystem. ACE works with ASTC staff to advocate for policies, resources, partnerships, and other actions that advance the societal impact of science centers. ACE collaborates with ASTC staff and members on engaging with the broader community to increase support for science centers within government agencies at Federal, state, and local levels, as well as with other aligned partners and funders. Read more about the committee.

Awards Committee

In the context of ASTC’s vision, purpose, and strategic direction, the Awards Committee provides perspective and advice to ASTC’s Board and staff on ASTC’s work to support and connect its members, including on how ASTC might recognize the extraordinary accomplishments of ASTC members and/or their employees. The committee will identify opportunities to recognize excellence and extraordinary accomplishments among ASTC member organizations and their staff—and others committed to public engagement of science. The commitee will also contribute to the development and management of award programs—currently the Roy L. Schafer Leading Edge Award—including identification of award categories, criteria, and processes. Read more about the committee.

Global Trends Committee

Aligned with the second pillar of ASTC’s strategy to set course together for new frontiers, the Global Trends Committee (GTC) is an ad-hoc committee of the ASTC Board of Directors providing a global perspective and advice to ASTC’s Board and staff, including on how science and technology centers and museums around the world engage diverse communities on global challenges and societal trends, and how such trends are impacting the businesses of ASTC members. Read more about the committee.

Leadership and Field Development Committee

Aligned with the third pillar of ASTC’s strategy to support and connect members, the Leadership and Field Development Committee (LFD) is an ad-hoc committee of the ASTC Board of Directors providing perspective and advice to ASTC’s Board and staff on ASTC’s work to support and connect its members, including on how ASTC might best facilitate learning and collaboration among members, spread ideas that work among ASTC members, and cultivate leadership skills across the workforce of ASTC member institutions. Read more about the committee.

Conference Program Planning Committee

Supporting all aspects of ASTC’s strategy in the context of ASTC’s Annual Conference, the Conference Program Planning Committee (CPPC) is an ad-hoc committee of the ASTC Board of Directors that provides strategic leadership of the Annual Conference, including: reviewing proposals for future conference sites and making recommendations to ASTC’s Board of Directors on future conference locations, setting the overall goals for the direction of the conference, reviewing session proposals, and providing input to ASTC staff as needed. The CPPC will ensure that the structure and content of ASTC Annual Conferences are closely aligned with ASTC strategic priorities and responsive to the diverse needs, capabilities, and activities of ASTC members. Read more about the committee.

Last updated August 31, 2022

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