Ways to Give | ASTC’s Commitment to Diversity, Accessibility, Inclusion, and Equity | Donors

We need your help to loudly and proudly demonstrate your commitment to a future where the staffs, boards, and visitors at science centers and museums reflect their communities! Your gift now will help move us there.

Our Story

Making Change

Science centers and museums are vital parts of our communities, and the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) is at the forefront of supporting these institutions as they evolve, grow, and reach for their mission to change lives every day in rapidly changing communities.

ASTC values and celebrates the rich diversity that makes up the teams and organizations we serve and the broader communities we engage globally. Over the past decades, ASTC has invested in and will continue to invest in action for the science-center field in support of the foundational, essential values of diversity, accessibility, inclusion, and equity

2018 ASTC Diversity and Leadership Development Fellows

For 20 years, the ASTC Diversity and Leadership Development Fellows Program has been ASTC’s flagship effort to nurture inclusion and diversity among the science-center community. This program provides professional development, mentorship, and leadership training to science-center professionals who are on the leading edge of changing their institutions for the future.

Funds raised from across the ASTC community have supported ongoing improvements to expand the impact Leadership and Diversity Fellows program, as well as ASTC’s planning efforts to further advance diversity, accessibility, inclusion, and equity with its members and partners. 

ASTC President and CEO Cristin Dorgelo and Board Member William Harris working with Fellows

The Challenge

More needs to be done. The Diversity Challenge Fund helps ASTC enhance and expand resources for science centers and museums committed to seeking out and engaging a diversity of ideas, perspectives, backgrounds, disciplines, knowledge systems, and approaches.

Expanding the impact of the Diversity Fellows Program is a starting priority. Additional programs will empower institutions to increase their cultural competence, nurture a pipeline of diverse leaders, help increase access to science and opportunity, and contribute to a more equitable, prosperous, just, and resilient society.

Alumni Fellows emceeing a plenary session at the 2018 ASTC Annual Conference

You Make Change Possible

Your gift now will help move us there. This funding will go to work immediately, making it possible for future leaders to participate in year-round professional development, and fueling new equity and diversity programs and resources in the months and years to come.

Linda Conlon, a past chair of the ASTC Board, with Fellows

Ways to Give

  • To pay by check, make it payable to “Association of Science and Technology Centers,” note “Diversity Challenge Fund” on the memo line, and mail it to: Association of Science-Technology Centers, Attention: Accounting, 818 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20006-2734.
  • If you would like to receive an invoice prior to processing payment, or have other questions, please write to info@astc.org.

Thank you for your support!

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