“The Job Bank was a fast, effective way to recruit top-notch candidates for our position. The word spread fast, both nationally and locally, and we found just the right match for our team.”
Pam Hartley, Vice President, Learning Initiatives, Marbles Kids Museum & IMAX Theatre, Raleigh, NC
The ASTC website is visited by more than 80,000 users every month, and the Job Bank is one of the most popular areas of the site. Consider posting with us today!
Requesting a job post
To post your job announcement, send an email to jobbank@astc.org with the following required information:
- Your job announcement. This can be included in the body of the email or attached as a Word or PDF document.
- The job title, institution, city, state or country, and salary range.
- Your preferred payment method. You may choose to pay online, send a check, or request other payment arrangements. We accept American Express, MasterCard, or Visa. When you submit your job post information, our team will provide an invoice.
- Please indicate if you are interested in making your job post a Featured Job. Additional details about Featured Jobs are listed below.
ASTC members pay $1 per word for a 30-day posting (minimum charge is $75)
Non-members pay $2 per word for a 30-day posting (minimum charge is $200)
Featured Jobs
Get more exposure for your job ad and make it a Featured Job! For an additional $50 for ASTC members or $100 for nonmembers, your listing will be prominently featured in the Jobs in Science Engagement section on the ASTC website and will be highlighted in one issue of Informer, our biweekly newsletter that reaches over 5,000 museum professionals. First come, first served. Featured Jobs included in the newsletter may be edited for length.